This weekend we also mark the anniversary of the horrendous U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, which allows for the legal killing of a child in its mother’s womb for the entire 9 months of pregnancy. We are thankful for the group of pilgrims [pictured below] from our parish who went to Washington, D.C. to participate in the March for Life. Let us pray that this is the last year that the March is necessary.
If you, or someone you know is dealing with the effects of an abortion, there is no need to suffer alone. Post-abortive healing is possible. Please reach out to the parish office or contact Rachel’s Vineyard. And as many of us already know, there is a strong and direct link between abortion and the use of artificial birth control, yet sadly most of our society denies this, and even worse, many Catholics choose this terrible option, and many Catholic doctors even prescribe “the pill.”
Humane Vitae, a document from the Vatican, helps explain the Church’s teaching on the subject; you can click here to read it. And you can click here for information on NFP . NFP is NOT Catholic birth control but is a wonderful tool for developing a more complete understanding on the topic of fertility. And if you are experiencing difficulties in getting pregnant, there are options. For more information you can check out the Paul VI Institute (click here).
Each family situation is different; there is no “one size fits all” model that all are called to follow, but we can all agree that we are living in a culture of death, dominated by selfishness and greed. And we all should pray daily and fast regularly for a conversion of hearts and an overturning of this culture. Let’s pray that all Catholics accept and live according to the teachings of the Church, which reflect the heart of our Heavenly Father, not only in this area of fertility, but in their entirety. May our parish be a place of radical healing and holiness for everyone.