In anticipation of the celebration of our parish feast day on Friday December 30, Fr. David is inviting everyone to join in a 54-day Rosary novena. The novena will begin this Sunday, November 6. It simply consists of praying 5 decades of the rosary each day for 54 days. The first 27 are prayed in anticipation and the second 27 are prayed in thanksgiving. The intention that I propose is “continued conversions, healing, and restoration in all of our families”. Many of us already pray the rosary each day, and if not, this is a great time to begin. You can pray it at a time that is most convenient for you and your family. If you’d like to join an established prayer time, a group of men gather Monday-Thursday at 6:30 am in the Adoration Chapel, and the rosary is prayed daily in the church at 8:30 am. CLICK HERE.