The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) performs a great service to the Church, by distributing Holy Communion to God’s people on those occasions where there are an insufficient number of priests and deacons to do it. Eucharistic Ministers have the privilege of administering Holy Communion, the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, to our brothers and sisters either at mass, or to the homebound of the parish living in a retirement facility or their private homes. Through this humble service, God unites you to your fellow members of the congregation while tending to their spiritual needs and helps nourish their souls. The Eucharistic Minister is a personification of an outward sign of the love that flows to the homebound from Christ’s heart and from your own as we all remain one in The Body of Christ. It is an honor and a privilege to serve the Church in this capacity and requires careful preparation. Anyone interested in joining this ministry, please contact Gloria.